HSE Requirements
Contractor's Environmental, Health, and Safety Requirements
Commitment and Responsibilities
Ensign Operating LLC (“Company”), along with each of its subsidiaries, is committed to conducting company operations in a manner that minimizes risks to the health, safety of employees and contracted personnel as well as the environmental impact to the work performed, (“HSE”). Contractor agrees to respect and shall ensure that each of its subcontractors and their representatives adhere to and respect this commitment. All parties to this Contract will pursue the highest standard of HSE performance while rendering Work for Company.
These requirements set out minimum HSE standards acceptable to Company and Contractor. All participating Contractors and subcontractors shall comply with these requirements as a condition of performing Work for Company. These requirements do not address every conceivable practice or procedure that could affect HSE performance during the completion of Work. It is the responsibility of Contractors and Subcontractors to implement and enforce any additional HSE practices or procedures that may be necessary for the safe and environmentally acceptable performance of Work by Contractors and Subcontractors.
Contractor shall at all times be responsible for performing Work in a manner that prevents loss of life or injury to people, and damage to property and the environment. Contractor shall perform all Work in accordance with the most stringent HSE regulations, policies, and procedures applicable to the area in which the Work is performed. The detailed manner, means, and methods of performing Work shall be under the control and direction of Contractor.
Contractor shall at all times maintain strict discipline and good order among its personnel, subcontractors, suppliers, representatives, invitees, and other persons who are associated with the Work performed hereunder and shall take full responsibility for the safety of its work, including, without limitation, the supervision and performance of all persons engaged therein.
Failure by Contractor to strictly adhere to the HSE requirements listed herein shall be subject to termination without compensation.
For purposes of these requirements, all references to Contractor shall include its Subcontractors and the personnel, representatives, and invitees of each.
Responsibilities Prior to Commencement of Operations
Prior to the start of any Work rendered to Company, Contractor will be required to complete certain actions related to HSE. Contractor shall provide accident/incident rates, workers’ compensation experience modification rates (if applicable), safety training, safety programs, and other information to assist Company in evaluating Contractor’s HSE management practices and performance.
Contractor personnel shall report to the appropriate Company representative upon arrival at all work locations. Contractor shall ensure that its personnel attend the site-specific safety orientation as directed by Company and determined per work-site location and respective authority, to ensure familiarization with work-site rules, potential job site hazards, and emergency procedures.
General Compliance Responsibilities
In addition to any other requirements contained herein, Contractor shall be subject to all relevant international, national, regional, and local laws and regulations and shall perform Work in accordance with industry accepted standards for hydrocarbon exploration, drilling, construction and production operations, and any protocol agreements, rules, codes, or standards applicable to the performance of the Work. Furthermore, Contractor shall document and comply with Company’s operational HSE directives and guidelines, an any other operating standards, or requirements that is provided in writing to Contractor.
Contractor personnel violating any Company HSE policy, practice, or procedure or applicable governmental regulation are subject to immediate removal from the Work site or any other Company property.
Guidance Documents
Contractor agrees to conduct operations in compliance with industry accepted guidance documents applicable to the Scope of Work and location. In the event of conflicts between the stated documents, the provisions providing the strictest conformance to safe and environmentally protective practices shall be applicable.
Requests from Authorities
Contractor shall be subject to any requests or directives from any authority having jurisdiction over the Work or the area in which Contractor is performing the Work, including national, regional, or local police, military, safety, health, environmental and fire authorities. In the event of such a request, Contractor shall promptly notify Company, and Company shall have the opportunity to review submitted material.
Inspections and Audits
Company may conduct HSE inspections or audits of Contractor’s operations, including any related equipment associated with the performance of the Work at its election and expense at any time prior to or during the performance of the Work. Contractor shall cooperate fully with such inspections and/or audits. Furthermore, Company may, at its election and expense, provide personnel to monitor Contractor’s compliance with HSE systems or plans in effect during the performance of the Work as well as Contractor’s general performance regarding HSE. Any such person(s) provided by Company shall not be a substitute for the requirements of Contractor to provide on-site supervisory employees, Site HSE Representatives (as defined herein below), or Senior Site HSE Representatives as provided by the clause below on Site HSE Representatives.
Remedy of Deficiencies
In the event that Company observes any deficiencies in Contractor’s compliance with the HSE requirements defined herein, Company will notify Contractor, and Contractor shall promptly remedy the noted deficiencies. In the event that Contractor fails to promptly remedy such deficiencies, Company may suspend Contractor’s performance of Work or any part thereof until such time as Contractor is in full compliance with the terms of this agreement. No standby charges or other charges shall be applicable during the suspension. All costs incurred by Contractor during or as a result of such suspension shall be for Contractor’s account. Company’s failure to notify Contractor in accordance with this clause shall not act as a release or waiver of Contractor’s obligation to comply with all of the provisions of this agreement.
Reports and Documents
Contractor shall make available to Company all HSE reports and documents pertaining to HSE that Contractor is required to maintain. Upon request, Contractor shall provide to Company copies of any such reports or documents.
Suspension of Services
Company bestows to Contractor the authority and obligation to suspend any Work that poses unmitigated risks to the safety or health of people and/or damage to property or the environment. Contractor shall instruct its personnel to immediately report any known or suspected hazard or unsafe condition to Contractor supervisor. When Work is stopped at any time for HSE reasons, Contractor shall immediately inform Company of the suspension and the details thereof.
Should Company observe an act or become aware of an omission which in its opinion violates any of these HSE requirements or may cause a serious or potentially fatal injury, Company may direct Contractor to immediately cease work, or not to proceed with such act. Contractor shall promptly modify work so as to be in accordance with these HSE requirements whereby the exposure of serious or potentially fatal injury has been corrected to Company’s satisfaction and Contractor’s personnel have been retrained as necessary for the modified activity.
Safety Policies and Plans
HSE Policy
Contractor acknowledges Company’s commitment to safety and affirms that Contractor has a written safety policy that has been approved and is actively supported by Contractor’s management.
HSE Management Plan
Contractor shall use all reasonable means to provide a safe working environment to prevent fires, explosions, injuries to people and/or damage to equipment or property. Upon request, Contractor shall provide a written HSE Management Plan, within 30 days of commencing work.
The HSE Management Plan shall represent an effective hazard and risk management process and incorporate a quality feedback system. The plan or system shall address, at a minimum:
Designation of responsibilities and authorities,
An assessment of the health and safety hazards relevant to the provision of the Work and a process to minimize or eliminate identified risk(s) to workers,
Communication of health and safety hazards,
Emergency preparedness,
Training, awareness and competence,
Safe working practices,
Incident reporting and investigation procedures, and
Investigation, follow-up, and mitigation of unsafe acts/conditions, incidents and near misses as well as documentation and auditing.
Safety Training
Contractor is responsible for conducting safety training required by national, regional, and local laws or regulations. Contractor shall ensure that all of its personnel are trained and are familiar with and experienced in all safety matters and procedures (including emergency procedures) relating to their roles and responsibilities in providing the Work. Contractor shall make available to Company documentation of Contractor’s training program and measures taken to ensure that all of Contractor’s personnel have received the appropriate safety training relevant to their jobs and have demonstrated competency by testing or field work practices. Contractor shall provide access to documentation whereby Contractor’s personnel have demonstrated completion of safety training. This documentation shall include the training date, training expiration date, and names of the training providers.
Job and/or Technical Skills
Contractor shall ensure that its personnel are properly qualified and trained and have demonstrated competency by testing or field work practices to perform the Work. Contractor shall provide to Company, upon request, documentation of Contractor’s job and/or technical skills training or pre-qualification program.
Short Service Employees (SSE)
Contractor shall identify inexperienced personnel so that others take precautions in their presence. Any Contractor personnel with less than six months of service in the same job/position with his/her present employer will be considered a Short Service Employee (SSE). The SSE(s) shall have a mentor assigned to the Work-site to provide constant coaching, feedback, and oversight while employees develop skill sets to conduct their job tasks safely. The following guidelines should be followed with respect to SSE management:
For crews with less than 5 members, only 1 SSE is allowed on location per hitch
For crews with between 5 and 15 members, less than 20% of crew should be SSE
For crews greater than 15 members, no more than 4 members of the crew should be SSE
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Contractor shall incorporate a JSA program that identifies the tasks required to complete an activity, assess hazards associated with each task, and offer a plan to eliminate or minimize the identified risk(s). JSAs shall be developed for all significant jobs, especially jobs that are critical, non-routine, or activities requiring written authorization (permit) to proceed. Completed JSAs shall be reviewed with all those directly involved with the work.
Safety Orientation
Prior to commencement of the Work, and from time to time during the course of performing the Work, Contractor shall conduct a safety orientation(s) that shall be attended by all new personnel who are assigned to the Work. The meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following topics:
Scope and duration of the Work,
Responsibilities and authorities,
Hazards that may reasonably be expected to be encountered during the performance of the Work and actions to avoid or prevent such hazards,
Safe working practices,
Safety equipment and personal protective equipment and apparel,
Emergency procedures and drills,
Lifesaving equipment and location
Alcohol, drug, and weapons policies, and
Incident/unsafe acts reporting, monitoring, and follow-up procedures.
Nearest Hospital or Emergency center to be used in case of major incident
Safety Meetings
All Contractor and subcontractor personnel and Company’s Field Representative(s) shall attend safety meetings on at least a daily basis. All personnel working on Company locations are expected to have adequate comprehension of English in order to understand and execute on all safety protocol discussed in Job-Site Safety meetings. Company work-site representative will have the full authority to make determination of personnel’s understanding of work-site safety requirements.
Contractor shall provide orientation training covering these same topics upon personnel’s arrival at the Work-site and prior to that person performing any Work. Contractor shall conduct safety meetings as indicated below:
Contractor shall conduct and document daily “Tailgate/Toolbox” safety meetings for its entire crew to discuss the day’s work assignments and proper safety precautions, and
Contractor shall conduct additional safety meetings as warranted, but no less often than daily, with the intent of maintaining safety awareness and managing hazards anticipated or identified during operations.
Emergency Drills
Contractor’s personnel shall become familiar with the actions required in an emergency and participate in all drills conducted at Company’s facilities.
Medical Emergencies
Contractor shall have a medical and emergency response bridging plan in effect for all Contractor personnel during the entire time that any of Contractor’s personnel are on Company premises or performing Work for Company, wherever located. The bridging plan shall address and clearly declare accountability for (Contractor or client), at a minimum, medical supplies to be kept at the Work-site; pre-qualifications and training of Contractor personnel having responsibility for first aid and/or response to medical emergencies and identification; selection and prior arrangements for medical facilities; and transportation for use in the event of any medical emergency, regardless of severity. Company shall provide Contractor a copy of its emergency and medical response plan whereby Contractor shall “bridge” together elements of each plan. A copy of such plan shall be provided to Company prior to the commencement of Work.
Incident Management and Reporting
Contractor shall immediately notify Company, and regulatory agencies as required, of all incidents (regardless of severity) resulting in death, injury, or illness of Contractor’s personnel or third parties arising out of or during the course of providing Work for Company. Contractor shall provide Company with the following:
Immediate verbal notification to the on-site Company representative for all incidents that occur, including “near miss;”
A written report of incidents (e.g., injuries, environmental spills and gas releases, equipment damage/failure, fire/explosion, vehicle, etc.) to the Company representative within 24 hours of occurrence or discovery; and
A detailed incident report within five calendar days of the incident detailing investigation results, recommendations, and an action plan to prevent incident re-occurrence.
Contractor shall verify that injured parties receive adequate care and that the appropriate level of case management (i.e., initial medical treatment and follow-up) has been performed. Contractor shall attempt to make injured worker(s) productive as soon as possible without compromising the healing process. Company classifies all injuries in accordance with the United States Department of Labor Reporting Guidelines. Contractor shall be familiar with such guidelines.
Contractor shall verify that all incidents, including “near misses” have been fully investigated, and those incidents classified as high-potential by Contractor or Company have undergone a root cause investigation where contributing causes have been identified using an industry-recognized incident investigation program with personnel trained in that methodology.
Contractor shall ensure that the magnitude of investigation effort is based upon the potential outcome, rather than the actual outcome, of the incident. Qualified line management and Safety Function Representatives shall participate in incident investigations. Company shall have the right to designate a representative(s) to participate in or observe Contractor’s investigation. Contractor shall ensure that all personnel are promptly and properly briefed and are subject to further training, based on the findings of any such investigation. Contractor shall maintain and forward to Company a quarterly summary of its safety performance. This summary shall be submitted no later than the tenth of each month and shall include at a minimum the following data:
First Aid Cases;
“Near Miss” Incidents;
Recordable incidents;
Man-hours worked of Contractor and its subcontractor activities; and
The status of open action items resulting from incident investigations, audit findings, and “near misses.” Additional data may be requested as it relates to the specifics of the work activities.
Contractor shall immediately notify Company of, and provide full details of, any complaints or notices (whether received in writing or verbally) from persons local to or impacted by the Work; any complaints, investigations, or inquiries (whether formal or informal) by any non-governmental organizations or groups; and any governmental or state authorities or regulatory bodies. Contractor shall lend full support and assistance to Company in the event of any investigation by Company into any complaints made or the investigation of Contractor and/or Company as a consequence of such complaints.
Notification of Spills
Contractor shall immediately notify Company of all incidents resulting in spills of any size or nature arising out of or during the course of providing Work. Contractor shall provide a written report within 24 hours to the appropriate Company representative. Upon request, Contractor shall provide to Company a copy of all reports of such incidents made by Contractor to Contractor’s insurer or others.
Permit to Work System
Contractor shall ensure that it conducts its operations under a “Permit to Work System” that at a minimum meets Company’s requirement and general industry standards. Company shall have the right to review and endorse Contractor’s plan prior to implementation.
At all Company-operated locations, a “Work Permit” is required for designated work activities conducted in or around the facility as required by Company. Permits must be issued before the work begins and may only be issued by Company personnel or designated representatives. Contractor must be familiar with and comply with the Work Permit program requirements of Company.
At Contractor locations, or Company locations worked exclusively by Contractor, the Contractor Work Permit system may be used if previously reviewed and endorsed by Company as meeting minimum Company requirements.
Drugs, Alcohol, and Weapons
Contractor shall institute all procedures necessary to enforce Company’s absolute prohibition on the use, possession, or transportation of firearms, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, narcotics, or other controlled substances for which a person does not have a current authorization or prescription while on or in the process of business travel to or from the Work-site.
Contractor shall not allow its personnel to be under the influence of any drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicating substances or carry firearms or other weapons while at the Work-site or during the course of providing Work. Contractor personnel may make use of medication prescribed by a licensed health care professional only if the use of such medication does not impair the ability to safely perform that person’s work duties or quickly respond to an emergency.
If Contractor personnel are under the influence of any prescription or over the counter medication while performing Work, their supervisor should be made aware of the medication being taken and the condition surrounding its use.
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Operations
All Work involving H2S must be conducted in accordance with applicable regulations, industry best practices, and Company requirements.
H2S training, respiratory protection equipment, gas detection/alarm equipment, and other protective measures (including medical equipment) may be required, depending upon the nature of the Work to be performed and whether the presence of H2S is anticipated. Company will notify Contractor when the Work will involve H2S and when additional requirements are applicable.
Exposure to Health Hazards
Contractor shall ensure, in relation to all persons affected or likely to be affected by performance of the Work, that such persons are not exposed to substances or agents that may give rise to adverse health effects.
Warning Signs, Materials Labeling, and Information
Contractor personnel shall be familiar with and comply with all signs, labels, and informational or warning notifications posted at Company’s facilities.
Contractor shall ensure that all materials and substances used in the performance of Work are plainly labeled and that information on the characteristics and toxicity of such materials such as Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available at the Work-site and communicated to those persons who may come in contact with such materials and substances. Contractor shall provide to Company a copy of such information prior to the commencement of the Work. Contractor shall maintain an on-site MSDS for all hazardous materials or chemicals that Contractor brings on-site.
Personal Protective Equipment
Contractor shall, at its own expense, ensure that Contractor personnel are provided with adequate personal protective equipment, protective clothing, and safety equipment during the performance of Work. Such equipment is to be modern, in a good state of repair, in date, and suitable for the Work and the particular person(s) performing the Work. Listed below are the general personal protective equipment requirements for Contractor while performing Work for Company. Additional personal protective equipment or other special items may be specified by Contractor and/or Company:
Head Protection – A non-conductive hard hat that meets the requirements of ANSI Z89.1, or international equivalent, shall be worn during the performance of work activities with head injury potential or as required by job site rules. This includes indoor services when hazards to the head exist or can be anticipated, or when required by Company.
Foot Protection – Safety shoes or boots in good condition, with slip-resistant soles and defined heels, that meet the requirements of ANSI Z41.1, or international equivalent, shall be worn during the performance of Work. This includes indoor services when hazards to the feet exist or can be anticipated, or when required by Company.
Eye/Face Protection – Eye protection shall be worn when hazards to the eye and face exist or can be anticipated, or when required by Company. Minimum protective eye-wear shall be clear safety glasses or prescription glasses with safety lens and attached side-shields. All eye/face protection shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z87.1 or international equivalent. Additional eye and face protection is required as dictated by the hazards associated with the task and meet the following guidelines:
Face shields and impact-resistant goggles must be worn for work that involves impact hazards to the face, or when required by Company.
Face shields and splash proof goggles must be worn for work that involves hazardous chemicals, or when required by Company.
Impact-resistant goggles or “over the glass” safety glasses shall be worn when prescription glasses do not have safety lenses.
Hearing Protection – Hearing protection devices that meet the standards of OSHA 1910.95, or international equivalent, shall be worn in all posted high noise areas or when required by Company. Hearing protection is required in all known or suspected areas where noise levels exceed 85 dBA.
Fall Protection – All work performed six feet or higher above ground level where guardrails or other forms of fall protection are not in place and where a fall hazard exists, shall require the use of a personal fall arrest system consisting of the following components at a minimum:
Full-body harness,
Shock-absorbing lanyard for 100% tie-off, and
Suitable anchor-points capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of 5,400 pounds.
Protective Clothing – Protective clothing shall be worn when handling hazardous materials or chemicals specified by the applicable MSDS or when required by Company. Protective clothing that becomes contaminated with hazardous materials or chemicals must be decontaminated at the end of the work shift and/or disposed of properly.
Flame Resistant Clothing (FRC) made of Nomex® or other approved flame-resistant material shall be worn as an outer garment in all gas plants, designated FRC areas, or when required by Company.
Contractor personnel involved in spray painting, coating, abrasive blasting, or similar operations shall wear an outer garment of disposable material to prevent contamination of personal clothing or FRC.
Hand Protection – Appropriate protective gloves shall be worn where there is risk of exposure to high temperatures, sharp edges, chemicals, or any other conditions or materials that may cause injury to the hands, or when required by Company. For all general work, personnel are required to wear impact and puncture resistant gloves.
Respiratory Protection Equipment
Respiratory protection equipment shall be utilized whenever work activities involve potential exposure to atmospheres that are oxygen-deficient or contain air contaminants that exceed published exposure values recognized by industry, or when required by Company.
Contractor personnel who may be required to use respiratory equipment shall not have facial hair that interferes with a face mask seal and shall be properly trained and medically qualified to use the equipment. In circumstances where religious or cultural practices prevent an individual from being clean shaven and such person is unwilling to remove facial hair to ensure compliance with this requirement, the individual shall not be assigned to an area or responsibility that would require the wearing of respiratory protective equipment.
Contractor’s respiratory protection equipment shall be selected, inspected, maintained, and used in accordance with international, national, regional, and local laws and regulations, manufacturer’s guidelines, and Company requirements.
Contractor shall ensure that personnel using respiratory protection equipment have received appropriate respiratory protection training and have demonstrated competency by testing or field observation.
Breathing air used in supplied-air or self-contained respiratory protection equipment must meet or exceed the standards of Grade D specifications as described in the United States Compressed Gas Association Commodity Specification G-7.1-1989 or international equivalent.
Other Personal Protective Equipment – In addition to the protective clothing and equipment described above, special situations may require the use of additional personal protective equipment. Contractor shall be solely responsible for recognizing when such equipment is required and shall be responsible for providing such equipment. Additional personal protective equipment requirements may also be specified by Company.
Suitable Clothing
Contractor personnel shall, while working, wear non-contaminated clothing suitable for the work being performed, the weather, and environmental conditions. Such clothing shall be in a good state of repair with no loose or ragged material that may become entangled in moving machinery, wire rope, chains, or other tools. Coveralls or long trousers/pants and shirt are required. Long sleeves are recommended. Short trousers/pants and sleeveless shirts are prohibited as unsuitable work clothing.
Contractor shall prohibit smoking or the possession of matches or lighters except in specially designated safe areas.
Tools and Equipment
Contractor shall provide personnel with proper and well-maintained tools and equipment that is appropriate and/or necessary for the Work being performed. Protective guards or shields shall be in place and used.
Contractor shall maintain the work area in a clean, safe, and orderly manner.
Fire Prevention and Control
Welding and cutting is prohibited outside of designated safe welding areas unless controlled by the written “Permit to Work” system. A fire watch is required for all hot work conducted outside of designated safe welding areas.
Contractor shall provide sufficient number and type of fire extinguishers approved by a recognized testing authority at all service job-sites involving drilling, well servicing/work-over, production, or gas plant operations, or wherever hot work, open flames, or the use of flammable gas/liquids presents a risk of fire. Personnel designated to use fire extinguishers shall be familiar with the proper use and limitations of fire extinguishers.
Contractor shall ensure that fire extinguishers are inspected (quick check) monthly and documented. A more detailed maintenance examination is also required at least annually. Contractor shall ensure that prior to the commencement of any hot work services, the Work-site is cleaned of any flammable materials or that flammable items that cannot be removed are properly protected. In any event, Contractor shall ensure that oily rags, debris, rubbish/trash, and other unnecessary material(s) are collected, promptly removed from the Work-site, and properly disposed of. Bulk transporters or tank trucks loading or unloading flammable liquids must use grounding/bonding equipment to prevent ignition of flammable vapors due to static electricity buildup and discharge.
Bonding equipment and other precautions to prevent ignition of flammable vapors shall be used, where feasible, whenever flammable liquid transfers such as filling drums, buckets, or other small containers are present. Gasoline shall not be used as a cleaning agent. Gasoline and other flammable liquids shall not be stored in glass or brittle containers. Metal safety cans that are used for storage shall be approved by a recognized testing authority. Gasoline is prohibited at all offshore locations.
Portable tanks and drums for flammable liquid storage shall be:
Constructed of metal unless the liquid is corrosive to metal,
Adequately vented, with flame arresting capability whenever possible,
Equipped with self-closing spouts to prevent spillage.
Land Transportation and Driving Safety
Drivers must operate their vehicles in a safe manner and in compliance with all federal, state, local, and country laws.
Three-point seat belts shall be worn by all vehicle occupants (lap belts are acceptable for buses).
Vehicles shall not exceed posted speed limits. Road surface conditions, weather, visibility, and heavy traffic may further reduce the speed at which a vehicle may be safely operated.
On lease roads or other roadways that may not have posted speed limits, slow down and be alert for other vehicles, animals, pedestrians, etc.
Drivers on company business or on Company property shall not use a mobile phone, blackberry, or other network-enabled device while operating a vehicle.
Prevent loose objects that may present danger in the event of sudden deceleration or vehicle collision from being present in the cabin/passenger area of the vehicle.
Do not allow items that may cause a distraction or interfere with the driver’s or passenger’s vision to be placed on the dashboard or hang from the rear-view mirror.
When parking the vehicle, do so in a manner that will allow the first movement of the vehicle to be forward when it is set into motion.
Contractors shall have a land transportation program in place that promotes the development of safe driving behaviors through risk management practices for the purpose of eliminating motor vehicle incidents. Before starting work for Company, contractors must possess the following as a minimum:
Roadworthy vehicles that are compliant with Federal, State, and local government requirements.
All drivers must have valid driver’s licenses.
All DOT certifications, permits, authority as required by Federal, State, and local government.
Ladders must be properly secured and of appropriate size and load bearing capacity. Non-conductive ladders shall be used when working on or near electrical equipment.
Scaffolding must be inspected and approved by a competent person familiar with scaffold erection requirements before use and must bear a tag designating its approved status.
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
In addition to their own procedures, contractors shall be familiar with and comply with Company site-specific lockout/tagout procedures while working on powered equipment, when performing confined space entry operations, or when engaged in other work activities where the control of hazardous energy is necessary to verify personal safety.
Contractor shall exercise all reasonable diligence and shall be in conformance with all regulatory requirements to perform all work in a manner that will prevent pollution or contamination to soil, air, and water.
Waste Management Plan
Contractor shall have a waste management system or plan in effect during the provision of the Work for all wastes created as a direct result of use or operation of items provided by Contractor. The system or plan shall address, at a minimum, reduction/minimization, collection, storage, and disposal. All actions called for in the system or plan shall be in compliance with all laws, regulations, conventions, and protocols applicable to the Contractor’s operation in the area in which the Work is performed. The plan must be endorsed by Company and a copy must be provided to Company prior to commencement of Work.
Contractor shall ensure that all Contractor personnel are trained and familiar with, and experienced in, all environmental matters and procedures relating to their roles and responsibilities in providing the Work. Contractor shall make available to Company documentation of Contractor’s training program and measures taken to ensure that all Contractor personnel have received appropriate training. At Company’s request, Contractor shall provide to Company documentation confirming training of Contractor personnel.
Reports and Documents
Contractor shall make available to Company all reports and documents pertaining to the environment or waste management that Contractor is required to maintain. Upon request, Contractor shall provide to Company copies of any such reports or documents.
Notification of Environmental Hazards or Non-Compliance
Contractor shall notify Company immediately of any situation where there is the risk of pollution or there are any incidents of non-compliance with the terms of these HSE requirements.
Use of Environmentally Acceptable Materials
Contractor shall use products, substances, equipment, and materials that are designed for minimal environmental impact.
Minimizing Environmental Impact
During the performance of Work, Contractor shall make its best effort to use equipment, materials, and substances in such a way as to keep to a minimum the impact of the Work upon any aspect of the surrounding environment, including land, air, water, livestock, wildlife, marine life, and humans.
Ensign Operating LLC Rules Topics
Energy Isolation
Lifting and Hoisting
Working at Heights
Confined Space Entry
Hot Work
Excavation and Trenching
Land Transportation
1. Energy Isolation Rule:
Stored energy sources shall be identified, isolated, tested and communicated to appropriate personnel before work shall proceed.
Minimum Requirements:
Conduct a JSA prior to commencing work.
Isolate and discharge any stored energy.
Ensure all effected sources of stored energy have been tested and communicated to all affected personnel.
Use a system of locks, tags or physical removal of components to isolate each identified energy source.
Test each energy source to ensure it is effectively isolated.
Monitor isolation periodically for effectiveness.
2. Lifting and Hoisting Rule:
Use only qualified operators and appropriate equipment for all mechanical lifting, hoisting and rigging operations.
Minimum Requirements:
Conduct a JSA prior to commencing work.
Load never exceeds the lifting and configuration capacity of the lifting equipment.
Inspect all lifting and rigging equipment before use.
Verify safety devices are operational before making lift.
3. Working at Heights Rule:
Personal fall protection equipment must be worn when working 6 feet (1.8m) or higher above ground.
Minimum Requirements:
Conduct a JSA prior to commencing work.
Only use elevated platforms that are equipped with guards, handrails and lower toe boards.
Wear a personal fall arrest system consisting of a full body harness, shock absorber and synthetic lanyard if proper handrails and guards are not in place.
Conduct a visual inspection of the fall arrest system prior to each use and remove any damaged equipment from service.
Anchor all fall arrest systems to a point capable of withstanding a 5400 lb. (2450 kg) load.
Ensure all tools used at heights are secure from free fall.
4. Confined Space Entry Rule:
Confined spaces shall not be entered unless authorized by written permit.
Minimum Requirements:
Evaluate alternative options which would not require personnel entry.
Obtain a work permit prior to entering any confined space.
Conduct a JSA prior to commencing work.
Designate a standby person and ensure a rescue procedure in place prior to entry.
Identified and isolate energy sources affecting the area to be entered.
Conduct initial and periodic atmospheric testing before and during working in the space.
5. Hot Work Rule:
A written work permit is required for all hot work outside of designated safe areas.
Minimum Requirements:
Conduct a JSA prior to commencing hot work.
Obtain a work permit prior to commencing hot work.
Conduct flammable gas testing where known or suspected explosive environments may be affected by the hot work.
Keep combustible materials a minimum of 35 feet (10.6m) from work area and/or protect materials from slag, sparks, and other ignition sources.
Position fire protection equipment in the immediate area.
Assign a fire watch to monitor the hot work.
6. Excavation and Trenching Rule:
All excavation and trenching work greater than 4 feet deep requires written approval.
Minimum Requirements:
Conduct a JSA prior to commencing excavation or trenching.
Locate, identify and mark underground pipelines and cables and, if necessary, isolate the energy source.
Identify and place signs at all overhead power line crossings in the work area.
Designate a “spotter” when working around energized power lines, pipelines and cables.
Provide safe personnel access into, and out of the excavation.
Continuously monitor ground and environmental conditions for change.
All excavation will be shored, sloped, or benched to prevent caving.
7. Land Transportation Rule:
Identify all driving threats associated with M/V activity prior to putting M/V in motion.
Minimum Requirements:
Challenge the trip.
Identify and evaluate the risk before taking alternate transportation.
Conduct a hazards analysis prior to driving.
All occupants must wear seat belts when vehicle is in motion.
In accordance with Texas Legislature, and Company safety protocol, use of a wireless device for electronic messaging, to include reading and or writing email while operating a Company or personal motor vehicle while on a Company worksite, or while using a Company vehicle is prohibited.